日程: 平成21年1月24日(土)15:00〜18:00
会場: 日本大学歯学部研修医講堂
日本大学歯学部2号館 2階 第二会議室
Dr. Howard S. Glazer
Fort Lee, New Jersey 開業
Fort Lee, New Jersey 開業
参加費: 無料
参加資格: LDA会員、または日本大学歯学部在籍者
協賛: Ivoclar Vivadent 株式会社
国際的に名の知れた講演者・著者であるHoward S. Glazer先生が、日々の診療をより容易に、より生産的に、楽しくさせる技術および材料の数々を披露します。最新のプロダクト、そしてそれを使用する事によって術者・患者双方にもたらされる利点により、あなたの歯科チーム全体に利益が及びます。
- コース到達点:
- 各作業に適した切削器材選択を知ること
- 痛みのない麻酔の価値とテクニックを知ること
- ユニバーサルコンポジットレジンをを使用した保存修復テクニックを知ること
- 材料や硬化方法をより良く知る事
- 含まれるトピック:
- キュアリングライト
- 接着剤と脱感作
- 審美歯科治療におけるコンポジット
- 痛みのない麻酔
- 最適な器材による、新しい歯牙切削テクニック
- セメント
Dr. Howard S. Glazer (ハワード・S・グレイザー)略歴

- Fort Lee, New Jersey 開業
- Academy of General Dentistry 元会長・フェロー
- Albert Einstein College of Medicine (Bronx, NY)歯学部前補助臨床教授
- American College of Dentists フェロー
- International College of Dentists フェロー
- American Society for Dental Aesthetics フェロー
- American Academy of Forensic Sciences フェロー
- American Board of Aesthetic Dentistry 認定医
- SUNY Buffalo、Univ. of Minnesota、Univ. of California San Francisco、Univ. of Texas Houston、Univ. of Florida Gainesville、Univ. of Missouri Kansas Cityを含む複数の大学にて客員臨床医師
- Engelwood Hospital (Engelwood, NJ) 担当歯科医師
- ニューヨーク市検屍局 Deputy Chief Forensic Dental Consultant
ここ数年にわたり、Dentistry Today誌上で「生涯学習における先駆的な臨床医師」の一人に挙げられ、最近では、New Jersey Magazine誌においてニュージャージー州内のトップデンティストの一人に挙げられる。アメリカ合衆国内はもちろんのこと、ラテンアメリカ、カナダ、ヨーロッパ、スカンジナビア、インド、韓国、日本、イスラエル、中国など各国で、審美歯科医療、歯科法医学、患者のマネージメントについて講演している。また、歯科医療に関する記事を頻繁に執筆、各国で記事が掲載されており、現在、AGD IMPACT誌にて、コラム"What's Hot and What's Getting Hotter!"を毎月寄稿している。
Top Notch Dentistry with Top Notch Materials and Techniques!
This is a program about real dentistry for real people by a real dentist! Dr. Glazer will present a potpourri of materials and techniques that will make your day at the office easier, more productive and fun! Your entire dental team will benefit from learning about the latest products and benefits provided for you and your patients. Dr. Glazer is an internationally known lecturer and author.
Dr. Glazer will review the latest advances in diamond and carbide rotary cutting instruments, adhesives and composites to create highly aesthetic and functional restorations. In addition, Dr. Glazer will briefly review a simple technique for eliminating regional mandibular block anesthesia and how to provide "painless" anesthesia for your patients.
- Course Objectives:
- to understand the selection of proper cutting instruments to task
- to understand the value and technique for painless anesthesia
- to understand the techniques for restorative procedures using a universal composite resin
- to better understand the materials and cementation procedure
- Topics include:
- Curing lights ... to light up your life (dental)
- Adhesives and Desensitization ... a sticky subject made simple
- Composites for esthetic fillings not just white ones
- Painless Anesthesia - no more regional mandibular blocks!
- Burs ... so many and so little time ... new preparation techniques with the right instruments
- Cements ... that which holds the relationship together
Dr. Howard S. Glazer Biography:
Dr. Glazer is a Fellow and Past President of the Academy of General Dentistry, and former Assistant Clinical Professor in Dentistry at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine (Bronx, NY). He has been a visiting clinician at several universities around the country including: SUNY Buffalo, Univ. of Minnesota, Univ. of California San Francisco, Univ. of Texas Houston, Univ. of Florida Gainesville, and the Univ. of Missouri Kansas City. Additionally, he is a Fellow of the American College of Dentists; International College of Dentists; American Society for Dental Aesthetics, the American Academy of Forensic Sciences, and a Diplomate of the American Board of Aesthetic Dentistry. Dr. Glazer is an Attending Dentist at the Englewood Hospital (Englewood, NJ). Additionally, Dr. Glazer is the Deputy Chief Forensic Dental Consultant to the Office of Chief Medical Examiner, City of New York.
For the past several years, Dr. Glazer has been named as one of the "Leading Clinicians in Continuing Education" by Dentistry Today, and most recently was named as one of the Top Dentists in New Jersey by New Jersey Monthly magazine. He lectures throughout the United States, Latin America, Canada, Europe, Scandinavia, India, Korea, Japan, Israel and China, on the subjects of cosmetic dentistry, forensic dentistry and patient management. Dr. Glazer is a frequent author of dental articles and has been published throughout the world. Currently he publishes a monthly column in AGD IMPACT entitled "What's Hot and What's Getting Hotter!" He maintains a general practice in Fort Lee, NJ.