「LDA・CAED・IADFE 共同主催イベント」
Leading Dentists Association
Canadian Academy for Esthetic Dentistry
International Academy of Dental Facial Esthetics 共同主催
特別講演会 > 講師紹介・スケジュール

Dental Innovations for the 21st Century
- 日時:
- 平成22年4月11日(日)12:00〜18:00
- 場所:
- 受講料:
事前受付のみ |
一般 | ¥18,000 |
LDA会員 | ¥10,000 |
LDAスタッフ割引 | 無料 |
日本歯科大学 日本大学歯学部 東京医科歯科大学 学生・教職員 | 無料 |
《日本歯科大学・日本大学歯学部・東京医科歯科大学》 《学生・教職員》
時間 |
講師・演題 |
11:30 | 開場・受付開始 |
12:00 |
会長挨拶 ナビゲーター:近藤 隆一 先生(LDAチェアパーソン)
- American Prosthodontic Society 会員
- Leading Dentists Association チェアパーソン
- American Society for Dental Aesthetics フェロー
- International Academy of Dental Facial Esthetics フェロー
- American Dental Associaton 会員
12:10 |
"Better, Faster, Easier:
Clinical Innovations for Every Dentist"
Dr. George Freedman, D.D.S
Dr. George Freedman is a founder and past president of the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, a co-founder of the Canadian Academy for Esthetic Dentistry and a Diplomate of the American Board of Aesthetic Dentistry. He is the author or co-author of 11 textbooks, more than 600 dental articles, and numerous webinars and CDs and is a Team Member of REALITY. The Editor-in-Chief for Dental Tribune International and Materials Editor for Dentistry Today, he lectures internationally on dental esthetics, adhesion, lasers, desensitization, composites, impression materials and porcelain veneers. A graduate of McGill University in Montreal, Dr. Freedman is a Visiting Professor at the Universita di Firenze (Italy) maintains a private practice limited to Esthetic Dentistry in Toronto, Canada.
Dr.ジョージ・フリードマン プロフィール:
- McGill University in Montreal 卒業
- Toronto, Canada 開業
- Univ. di Firenze 客員教授
- American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry (AACD) 創設者
- Canadian Academy for Esthetic Dentistry (CAED) 創設メンバー
- REALITY誌 編集部員
- Dental Tribune International誌 編集長
- Dentistry Today誌 歯科器材担当
13:40 |
"Oral Cancer Screening &
New Light-based Technologies"
Dr. Fay Goldstep, D.M.D.
Dr. Fay Goldstep is on the Editorial Board of Oral Health (Healing/Preventive Dentistry) and Dental Tribune USA, and has served on the teaching faculties of the Post-graduate Programs in Esthetic Dentistry at SUNY Buffalo, the Universities of Florida (Gainesville), Minnesota (Minneapolis). She has been a featured speaker in the ADA Seminar Series. She has lectured nationally and internationally on Light-based Dental Treatment and Technology, Lasers, Healing Dentistry, Dentist Health Issues and Office Design, and has published several articles, on these topics. Dr. Goldstep is a consultant to a number of dental companies, and maintains a private practice in Markham, Canada.
Dr. フェイ・ゴールドステップ プロフィール:
- Markham, Canada 開業
- Oral Health誌 編集部員
- Dental Tribune USA誌 編集部員
- SUNY Buffalo、Univ. of Florida (Gainesville)、Univ. of Minnesota (Minneapolis) 他 卒後研修プログラム(審美歯科)教員
- 歯科関連企業コンサルタント
15:00 |
"Hands-on New Technology Test Drive"
Dr. George Freedman & Dr. Fay Goldstep
- Picasso & Picasso lite (AMD Lasers)
- VELScope (LED Dental)
- Aseptim Plus (SciCan)
- Ring Contact System & Griptab (Triodent)
- Piezosurgery
16:10 |
"Tomorrow's Technological Tools"
Dr. Edward J.R. Lynch, M.A., B.D.Sc., F.D.S., Ph.D
Dr. Edward J. R. Lynch is a founder of BDBA, and has been elected by peers as one of the most influential person in UK Dentistry during the past 3 years as published in "Dentistry" magazine. His research team (with Dr. Lynch as supervisor and co-author) have been awarded many IADR first prizes for research presentations at the annual IADR meetings. He is currently the President Elect of IADR GORG. He has been appointed every year as a Consultant to the ADA since 1997, appointed as regular PhD, MPhil and MSc examiner in many universities, and regularly reviews applications for promotion from universities around the world for Senior Posts. He has also been elected as director and chairman in numerous international committees such as the International Tooth Whitening Academy, European Experts Group on tooth whitening. He has lectured throughout the UK and overseas, mostly in Ireland, the USA, Europe and South East Asia on topics of his areas of expertise; endodontics, prosthodontics, restorative dentistry, and geriatric dentistry. Author of more than 500 refereed publications and numerous non-refereed abstracts and internal publications, Dr. Lynch is a Professor of Restorative Dentistry and Gerodontology at the Queen's University Belfast, as well as Consultant in Restorative Dentistry to the Royal Hospitals.
Dr. エドワード・J・R・リンチ プロフィール:
- Queen's University Belfast 教授(Restorative Dentistry, Gerodontology)
- Royal Hospitals 顧問(Restorative Dentistry)
- British Dental Bleaching Society 発起メンバー
- HealOzone 研究/開発メンバー
- International Association for Dental Research GORG 会長
- American Dental Association 顧問
- International Tooth Whitening Academy 会長
- European Experts Group on tooth whitening 会長
英Dentistry誌において「英国歯科界で最も影響力のある1人」として毎年挙げられる。Lynch氏率いる研究チームはIADR講演会において幾度も最優秀プレゼンテーション賞を受賞している。HealOzone 研究/開発メンバーの1人。
17:20 |
"Challenging for the Ultimate Restorations"
ゲストスピーカー:高橋 登 先生(東京都世田谷区開業)
1990年 東京医科歯科大学歯学部卒業 補綴(全部床義歯学)科大学院終了
1999年 Active member of American Prosthodontic Society
2004年 Member of American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry
現在 東京医科歯科大学客員臨床講師
18:00 |
講演会終了 |
