Let me tell you how I feel proud to have a friend
able to find the idea and the energy to create such
an international association of the best that we
can find in our profession on this planet.
Since so many decades, each dentist was working
by himself in his (or her) office closed to outside,
closed to receive or to teach new ideas or techniques.
It was difficult, at this time, to improve own
dentistry and Dentistry.
Then, with aviation development, traveling for
conventions and learning from other dentists in
the world was easier. And now, we are able to
learn from our desk with Internet, to speak about
patient cases with digital pictures, and that
with all the dentists in the world.
It's why the idea reuniting a selected group
of practitioner from everywhere is luminous, allows
us to establish new contacts with new and different
people with at least 1 common point: DENTISTRY.
Thank you for this idea and long life to LDA.